Sunday, March 15, 2009

Aizen's New Hair Cut!!!

Aizen looks like a new boy!!! I buzzed his hair today while doing Daniel's and he sat through it and didn't fuss at all.

I've been wanting him to have a little boy haircut for a long time but just hadn't found any time to sit down and do. And you know toddlers, you can't get them to sit for more than a few seconds. I can see it now.... Aizen running around the house with just a diaper on, mommy chasing him with the clippers, the giggles and laughs, little chops of hair done looking like he had done it himself..... yeah right!!!

I also did it because lately it's been causing me a lot of pain to look at him. He looks SO much like Ruby from the behind and I would burst into tears when I looked at him. I miss my little girl so much and so the hair needed to change. Well here are the before and after. Isn't he handsome??


melanie said...

Aww!! It's precious! Why is it that little boys look older after haircuts? I love it, and I love his little smile. :)

Karen A said...

Such a cutie. Good job. I'm not brave enough to cut hair. Much love to you Denise.

--Karen from CHF (kjsa)