Monday, March 10, 2008

Aizen's New Taggie Blanket

So Aizen has been TOTALLY in LOVE with this blue fabric since I got it about 2 weeks ago. If I try to take it from him, he Freaks out until I give it back to him. So, since I got my new sewing machine, I made him a taggy blankie as my first project.

These pictures of me and my machine were taken by Melody, she's such a doll.

This is the fabric that he loved!!!!

Here is the fabric on the other side of it.

And here are a bunch of pictures of Aizen with his taggie blankie.


Shauna said...

I am in love with the pic of the taggie on his head!! He is getting too big!

Mom2fur said...

Oh, he's so cute! Was he playing peek-a-boo when he put his tag blanket on his head?